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There are currently 12 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
In biology a tagma (Greek: τάγμα, plural tagmata - τάγματα) is a specialized grouping of multiple segments or metameres into a coherently functional morphological unit. Familiar examples are the head, the thorax, and the abdomen of insects.

A subdivision of the tarsus (the leg segment distal to the tibia)

Distal, segmented part of the insect leg attached to the tibia; usually subdivided into 1-5 tarsomeres

A minute structure on the sternum of the third abdominal segment which serves as a clasp for the furcula of collembolans

Inside the head, the tentorium serves as an internal "truss" that reinforces the head capsule, cradles the brain, and provides a rigid origin for muscles of the mandibles and other mouthparts.

Simple sclerite that covers the dorsal surface of each abdominal segment

Middle portion of the body between the head and abdomen, consisting of three segments (prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax), each of which usually bear a pair of articulated legs

Long leg segment located between the femur and the tarsus

tormogen cell
The socket-forming epidermal cell associated with a seta.

tracheal system
A complex network of tubes that delivers oxygen-containing air to every cell of the insect's body.

trichogen cell
A hair-forming epidermal cell associated with a seta.

Small segment of the leg that articulates with the coxa and forms an immovable attachment with the femur