Lab 1. Collecting & Preserving Part 1: Meadow Field Trip
In this lab you will observe insects commonly found in open field environments and learn how to collect and mount them for scientific study.
In this lab you will observe insects commonly found in open field environments and learn how to collect and mount them for scientific study.
Main objectives of this lab are to help you:
Before lab, look over all pages and videos of these instructions.
Fill out Equipment Sign-Out form.
DE STUDENTS you need to sign out your collecting equipment by Friday of the second week of the semester, or you will need to purchase it on your own (see Moodle site for details). Also, within the first 2 weeks of class you need to make arrangements for taking the Lab Practical Exams and other exams (see Moodle site for details).
You will be provided equipment (see materials list below) for collecting and preserving insects on your way to the bus for the field trip.
You will be shown where and how to collect insects with your equipment in a meadow-like habitat.
We will work together to correctly preserve (pin, label, and organize in labelled specimen box) one insect specimen, specifically a katydid. This exercise will be worth 10 points towards your Insect Collection.
RUBRIC. 10 points totaled from:
DE STUDENTS: take a high resolution, focused image (example below) from the left side of your labelled specimen to submit on the ENT 425 Moodle site (see Moodle site for image and submission details).
Remember to correctly store your specimens. Before the next lab period, pin as many specimens as possible from the insects you collected in today’s field trip. You can use temporary labels until you can make permanent labels.
You will need the following for this lab: