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Exam 1 – Version C

True/False — Indicate “T” for true; “F” for false:

 1.  Spiders, ticks, and horseshoe crabs belong to the subphylum

 2.  The flexible regions of an insect's exoskeleton contain high
     concentrations of quinone crosslinkages.

 3.  The immatures of hemimetabolous insects are known as nymphs or

 4.  Trichoptera and Neuroptera are the only insect orders that have
     aquatic larvae.

 5.  The epiproct and paraprocts are abdominal structures that form
     parts of the external genitalia in most insects.

 6.  The chorion is a protective membrane that surrounds the embryo
     in an unfertilized egg.

 7.  Abdominal prolegs are usually present in scarabaeiform,
     campodeiform, and eruciform larvae.

 8.  Apodemes and apophyses increase the rigidity of the insect's
     exoskeleton and provide sites for muscle attachment.

Multiple Guess: Choose the BEST answer.

 9.  Chewing mouthparts are NOT found in:
     A.  Crickets                         C.  Thrips
     B.  Weevils                          D.  Earwigs

10.  Which statement about insect development is CORRECT?
     A.  The embryo is nourished by yolk stored in the egg.
     B.  The germ band develops inot the embryo.
     C.  The serosa forms the yolk sac membrane.
     D.  All of these.

11.  Which part of a molt does NOT occur during apolysis?
     A.  Formation of new epicuticle
     B.  Resorption of old endocuticle.
     C.  Formation of new quinone crosslinkages.
     D.  Activation of molting fluid.

12.  Which order is BOTH ectognathous and wingless?
     A.  Collembola                       C.  Siphonaptera
     B.  Thysanoptera                     D.  Diplura

13.  Why are termites classified as orthopteroids?
     A.  They are wingless
     B.  They have cerci and chewing mouthparts
     C.  They are social insects
     D.  All of these

14.  A terrestrial arthropod with more than five pairs of legs
     could NOT be a(n):
     A.  Isopod                           C.  Centipede
     B.  Arachnid                         D.  Symphylan

15.  Which group of insects has incomplete metamorphosis?
     A.  Fleas                            C.  Beetles
     B.  Flies                            D.  Bugs

16.  Which insects do NOT feed on plants?
     A.  Thrips                           C.  Whiteflies
     B.  Lacewings                        D.  Sawflies

In questions 17-23 indicate the letter of the class or order that is
most closely related (phylogenetically) to the group listed at the

17.  Lepidoptera          A.  Coleoptera           C.  Hymenoptera
                          B.  Trichoptera          D.  Diptera

18.  Phasmatodea          A.  Thysanoptera         C.  Collembola
                          B.  Grylloblattodea      D.  Trichoptera

19.  Psocodea             A.  Hemiptera            C.  Diptera
                          B.  Plecoptera           D.  Coleoptera

20.  Odonata              A.  Zygentoma            C.  Ephemeroptera
                          B.  Neuroptera           D.  Blattodea

21.  Insecta              A.  Crustacea            C.  Arachnida
                          B.  Trilobita            D.  Onychophora

22.  Dermaptera           A.  Plecoptera           C.  Isoptera
                          B.  Diplura              D.  Coleoptera

23.  Symphyla             A.  Insecta              C.  Arachnida
                          B.  Chilopoda            D.  Isopoda


Match each insect in the left column with one in the right column
that belongs to the SAME order.  Letters may be used once, more than
once, or not at all.

24.  Cricket                     A.  Ant lion
                                 B.  Cockroach
25.  Lacewing                    C.  Mosquito
                                 D.  Stonefly
26.  Weevil                      E.  Katydid
                                 F.  Leafhopper
27.  Firebrat                    G.  Termite
                                 H.  Wasp
28.  Aphid                       I.  Beetle
                                 J.  Silverfish
29.  House fly                   K.  Damselfly
                                 L.  Caddisfly
30.  Sawfly

31.  Cicada

32.  Dragonfly

33.  In the space below, draw the thorax of a typical insect and show
     the relative locations of:        A.  Mesepimeron
                                       B.  Pronotum
                                       C.  Metepisternum
                                       D.  Mesopleural suture
                                       E.  Mesepisternum

Use the following key to indicate the embryological origin of all 
structures in questions 34-43:

34.  Epidermis                   A.  Mesoderm
                                 B.  Ectoderm
35.  Heart                       C.  Endoderm
                                 D.  Germ cells
36.  Blood

37.  Muscle

38.  Ovipositor

39.  Testes

40.  Sperm

41.  Mandibles

42.  Midgut

43.  Hindgut

In questions 44-48 describe how the wings are "unique" in each of
these orders (that is, how do these wings differ from the wings of
all other insect orders?)

44.  Hemiptera

45.  Lepidoptera

46.  Thysanoptera

47.  Diptera

48.  Hymenoptera

Give the correct ENTOMOLOGICAL term for:

49.  The basal segment of the antenna.

50.  Entry hole for sperm in an insect's egg.

51.  The "egg case" of a cockroach.

52.  The "front lip" of a mandibulate insect.

53.  The "penis" in a male insect.

Give the FUNCTION of:

54.  Furcula

55.  Saltatorial legs

56.  Tentorium

57.  Cerci

58.  Hamuli

59.  ESSAY:   What are the physical characteristics and developmental
              stages shared by all holometabolous orders that make
              them different from other insects?  Name and describe
              as many of these differences as you can -- both, for 
              adults and for immatures.
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