Lab 6: Lab Practical Exam 1
This exam will test your ability to identify insects to the Order level, and the characters used for identification.
This exam will test your ability to identify insects to the Order level, and the characters used for identification.
Take this 1-hour exam once at one of 4 times in Rm. 4302 Gardner Hall: Thursday, 12:50 or 2:00 PM; Friday, 12:50 or 2:00 PM (see Moodle site for more details).
See Moodle site for details and study materials.
If you are within 50 miles of the Raleigh area, you must take the Lab Practical Exam during one of the 4 sessions listed above. Those outside the Raleigh area, and unable to attend a lab session in person, must make other arrangements (see “Quizzes and Exams” at top of Moodle site for details).