True/False — Indicate “T” for true; “F” for false:
1. A Batesian model is always protected because it has some type
of chemical defense.
2. An insect must use both eyes simultaneously to detect movement
of an object in its visual field.
3. Proprioceptors are sensory organs that provide information
about the external environment.
4. Most insects (such as grasshoppers and beetles) only see black,
white, and shades of gray.
5. The closer an onject is, the more easily an insect can perceive
its shape.
6. Male moths are able to regulate the sex of their offspring.
7. A commissure runs from the ganglion of one body segment to the
ganglion of the next body segment.
8. Some insects can taste their food with their feet.
9. Dorsal ocelli are the primary visual organs of hemimetabolous
10. Learned behavior is more complex and more efficient than innate
Multiple Choice
11. The information content of a sound signal is based on changes in:
A. Amplitude (loudness) C. Duration (pulsation)
B. Frequency (pitch) D. All of these
12. An ommatidium is the functional unit of the:
A. Protocerebrum C. Compound eye
B. Subesophageal ganglion D. Male reproductive system
13. Which of these could be an example of an entrainment cue?
A. Odor of a predator C. Darkness after sunset
B. Odor of a host plant D. Darkness before sunrise
14. It is possible that an immature insect might imprint on:
A. Odor of a predator C. Darkness after sunset
B. Odor of a host plant D. Darkness before sunrise
15. Which of these is a primary ecological event?
A. Competition C. Parasitism
B. Immigration D. None of these
16. Which of these is a secondary ecological event?
A. Emigration C. Mortality
B. Predation D. None of these
17. Which of these is an example of a Mullerian mimic?
A. A bee that looks like a wasp
B. A fly that looks like a bee
C. A katydid that looks like a leaf
D. A caterpillar that looks like a snake
Questions 18-20: Indicate which structure is NOT part of the
indicated system.
18. Compound eye:
A. Rhabdom C. Crystalline cone
B. Retinula cell D. Seminal vesicle
19. Visceral (stomodaeal) Nervous System:
A. Frontal ganglion C. Hypocerebral ganglion
B. Recurrent nerve D. Subesophageal ganglion
20. Brain:
A. Optic lobes C. Neurosecretory cells
B. Circumesophageal commissure D. Tritocerebrum
Short Answer
21. List one part of the body that is innervated by each ganglion:
a. Hypocerebral:
b. Brain:
c. Subesophageal:
d. Caudal:
e. Frontal:
f. Mesothoracic:
22. Give one example of:
a. A proprioceptor
b. A fixed action pattern
c. An appetative behavior
d. A transverse orientation
e. A Batesian mimic
Match each behavior in the left column with the term in the right
column that correctly describes it.
23. Fly larvae (maggots) move away from A. Reflex
a bright light source.
B. Taxis
24. Honey bees trained to feed on sugar
water with coumarin are confused when C. Habituation
given unscented sugar water.
D. Conditioning
25. A cockroach scurries away when it
feels a puff of air on its cerci. E. Kinesis
26. Ants remember a food trail by the F. Instrumental
location of landmarks as they leave Learning
their nest.
27. A male empiid fly courts a female for
20 minutes and then gives up after he
fails to elicit any response.
Short Essay
28. Explain why some insects can navigate by the sun even when it
is hidden behind clouds.
29. Explain why the flowers that attract insect pollinators are
seldom red in color.
30. Explain how an insect may benefit from aposematic coloration.
31. Explain how predators might adapt to changes in the density
of prey populations.
32. Explain how contest competition can reduce intraspecific
33. Explain how character displacement can reduce interspecific