1. Some type of caste system (reproductive division of labor)
is present in all eusocial insects.
2. A biological clock regulates the activity cycle in all hemi-
metabolous insects.
3. A honey bee's waggle dance communicates distance and direction
of a food source to nestmates.
4. Under certain circumstances, a worker may become the new queen
in a bee hive.
5. A sex pheromone is usually a complex steroid molecule with
sulfur radicals and many double bonds.
6. Odors are the only communication signals that are effective
around corners.
7. Queen substance inhibits ovarian development in worker bees.
Multiple Choice:
8. A firefly would most likely be classified as a ________ insect.
A. Crepusular C. Eusocial
B. Diurnal D. Solitary
9. Female pseudergates may molt into determinant nymphs whenever:
A. Soldier pheromone is too high
B. Queen substance is too high
C. King substance is too high
D. None of these
10. All insects must communicate in order to:
A. Find a mate C. Survive the winter
B. Locate food D. Avoid predation
11. Any chemical used to repel predators would always be
classified as a(n):
A. Pheromone C. Hormone
B. Kairomone D. Allomone
12. Insects that share a common nest site but do not care for their
young are said to be:
A. Quasisocial C. Semisocial
B. Communal D. Solitary
13. Stridulation is a method of producing sound by:
A. Vibrating the wings
B. Vibrating a resonant membrane
C. Striking the substrate
D. Rubbing body parts together
14. Which event might initiate nocturnal behavior in an insect
whose activity cycle is under exogenous control?
A. Sunrise C. Solar eclipse
B. Rainfall D. None of these
15. Which communication signal has low information content, but
can be long-lasting in the environment?
A. Wing color patterns C. Light flashes
B. Stridulation D. Marking pheromones